Please enjoy these video samples of Palisades Virtuosi in performance. 

Excerpts from Sonata [2014] by Gary Schocker - taped 4/16/15 - Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, Ridgewood, NJ


video: Christopher Kowalski/ audio: David Kowalski

Movement II of "Dog Tales" by Adrienne Albert at the premiere - live - 11-7-14 - Ciccone Theatre - Bergen Community College - Paramus, NJ

video: Ching Chen Juhl

Joseph Turrin - Statements [2009] movement 1 - recorded live 2-18-10 - Montclair State University

watch on YouTube

video: Rodney Leinberger

Nancy Bloomer Deussen - "Rondo for Ron" [2011] excerpt - recorded live 9-24-11 - Montclair State University

watch on Youtube

video: Rodney Leinberger

Linda Marcel - "Evocare II" [2013] - premiere performance - live 4-6-13 - Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, Ridgewood, NJ

watch on Youtube

video: Ching Chen Juhl

More Video available at our YouTube Channel